A new sense of style

Wednesday, August 09, 2006 | 1:21 pm

Ta-dah! As you should have noticed, I have finally finished my Blogger template redesign, pretty much from scratch with help from some of the public templates.

There's some items still to be finished, like the spacing of the profile section in the top left etc, and I am not sure I got the necessary Internet Explorer hacks in place (especially as I am primarily a Mac/Firefox guy), so let me know if you see any oddities or have any suggestions. I know there are a lot of talented designers out there with a good critical eye (and if this job in the web industry has taught me anything, its that every client thinks they are a graphic designer).

Really, I just embarked on this as a real-world exercise in HTML/CSS for me. As you can tell, I am more cowboy-scripter than graphic-designer, but it was fun, if perilously time consuming.

So now I no longer have an excuse to delay posting! I have some back some non-World Cup content saved up, and luckily the English Premier League season is about to kick off. wouldn't want you soccer-junkies to go cold turkey... ;)


At 9/8/06 2:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! I like the layout very much. I'm more iffy on the creepy eyebrow picture, but I'm sure there's a story there.

At 9/8/06 2:28 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's an extreme closeup. There is a nice hint of pink as well. Overall good scheme.

At 9/8/06 8:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea! for new content!


At 9/8/06 11:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks very spiffy, although I'm not sure if the red dot covers an underlying zit? Damn fine job!


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