Lightning over Norfolk

Friday, April 14, 2006 | 12:03 am

Straight from the Canon Digital Rebel to blog. Sometimes, you just get lucky!

Mind you, that luck was amortized somewhat by about 40 attempts and 20 swear-words.

Speaking of shot, Wilkes-Booth shot Lincoln on this day in 1865. Here's hoping my night out goes a tad better than that.


At 14/4/06 12:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lovely shot. I always dig watching lightning. Earlier in the week the forecast called for the possibility of a thunderstorm, a very unusual event for early spring in this part of Canada, but unfortunately it didn't happen.

At 14/4/06 8:45 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice shot, Juz. I'm jealous.

At 14/4/06 10:07 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Dark Knight Returns! Awesome shot!

At 15/4/06 3:26 pm, Blogger Aussie-Askew said...

Haved to pass on Cheddar Man's comment I recvd via email: "GOd hates Norfolk."

At 19/4/06 8:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool piccy.

At 9/5/06 4:49 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool word... amortized.


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