Mixed Messages
Sunday, October 16, 2005 | 6:27 pm
You know, I am not sure that Virginia Tourism is really getting value for money with their billboard placement. Here is a photo I took from the corner of Virginia Beach Blvd and Monticello. Perhaps they are sharing costs wih the Dept of Health?
Here they both are stacked, for those with failing eyes.
There's so much dark humour here - "mountain" (not mounting!), the fact that thy think a billboard will help? But in the end, nothing could have been as ironic as the placement.
That's odd, but the first thought that came to mind was buying a billboard to the far right that said "Your mom's a little young."
God I miss you guys... :(
We miss ya too mate. Things are as they are here, but the crew is scattered to the four windsw, and getting wider...
Memories of all sorts still reside though.
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